Maitland City Council welcomes all visitors to Maitland and works towards ensuring that all the flagship events are accessible for everyone.
Please find below some information about the site and accessibility options available.
Burton Automotive Hunter Valley Steamfest will be held in Maitland Station Precinct, Church Street and the Garnham Grounds Maitland (off New England Highway).
The grounds in the Station Precinct and Railway Street are relatively level with uneven pavers in some locations.
The Garnham Grounds is on stone, pebbles, dirt and grass and is mostly not level.
The Show ‘n’ Shine in Maitland Park is grassed with a paved walkway around the boundary and throughout the park.
Including You Tent located in the Station Precinct during the event hours.
Accessible toilets will be hired in for the duration of the event.
The accessible toilets will be located in the Station Precinct, The Garnham Grounds and at the Show ‘n’ Shine on Sunday.
- Maitland Community Care Services – 02 4932 5755 or
- Health Related Transport (Hunter New England Area Health Services) – 1800 660 361
- Isolated Patient Travel and Accommodation Assistance – 02 6767 8343
- Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme – 1800 623 724
- Maitland Taxis – 02 4933 7333, 131 008